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Monday |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Week |
19 No class |
1 |
3 11.1: Rectangular cordinates |
6 Holiday |
8 11.4: Cross products 11.6: Planes |
10 11.6: Planes |
13 11.7: Quadric surfaces |
15 11.8: Cylindrical and spherical coordinates
17 11.8: Cylindrical and spherical coordinates 12.1: Vector-valued functions |
20 12.2: Calc of vec-val funcs 12.4: Tangents and normals |
22 12.4: Tangents and normals 13.1: Functions of two or more variables |
24 13.2: Limits and continuity |
27 13.3: Partial derivatives
29 13.4: Differentiability |
1 13.5: The chain rule |
4 |
6 13.7: Tangent planes and normal vectors
8 13.8: Maxima and minima |
11 Holiday |
13 Review |
Thursday 14th, 6-8 PM MIDTERM |
15 13.9: Lagrange multipliers |
18 14.1: Double integrals |
20 14.2: Double integrals over non-rectangular regions |
22 14.3: Double integrals in polar coordinates |
25 14.3: Double integrals in polar coordinates |
27 |
29 |
1 14.5: Triple integrals |
3 14.6: Triple integrals in cylindrical/spherical coordinates |
5 14.6: Triple integrals in cylindrical/spherical coordinates |
8 |
10 15.1: Vector fields |
12 |
15 |
17 15.3: Conservative vector fields |
19 15.4: Green's Theorem |
22 15.4: Green's Theorem |
24 No class |
26 Holiday |
29 |
1 15.7: The Divergence Theorem |
3 15.8: Stokes' Theorem |
6 No class |
8 No class |
December 10, 2-5 PM FINAL EXAM