
Book H. Anton, I. Bivens and S. Davis, Calculus Multivariable, 9e
Additional Resources
  • Additional notes that I typed for MA 0350 (Honors Calculus) are here.
  • MIT has a free online claculus book by G. Strang. Chapters 11-15 are the relevant ones.
  • Wikipedia has a good overview of the subject.
  • Videotaped lectures from UC Berkeley and MIT.
Course Hours MWF 9:00-9:50 AM
Room B&H 165 (map)
Office Hours

I will hold office hours at the Sciences Library room 518 (5th floor), on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM

You can always email me to set up a meeting.

My office is at the Sciences Library 10th floor, room 1018. All my contact information is available here.

TA Sections

All sections are on Tuesdays at noon, at B&H rooms 161 and 165 and at Wilson 301.


Your final grade will be made up of: 30% Midterm, 30% Homework, 40% Final

Homework Rules

Assignments will be assigned from one Thursday to the next. Assignments will be available on MyCourses. Late homework will not be accepted!

Getting Help

If you are having trouble with any of the course topics, you are encouraged to go to the Math Resource Center (MRC). There, you will find graduate students and advanced undergraduate students who can help you with notions from the course and homework.

MRC hours are 8-10 pm, Monday through Thursday, at Kassar 105. Directions and info can be found here.