Spring 2018: Tuesdays 12-2 pm room M/1.02
- Jiqiang Zheng (Nice) - Dynamics of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
- January 16: Review the history of research of dynamics of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, mainly concentrating on well-posedness, scattering, blow-up behavior and stability.
- Baptiste Morisse (Cardiff) - Introduction to weakly hyperbolic systems of PDEs
- January 23: Constant coefficient systems of PDEs and Gevrey spaces
- Constant coefficients case and Fourier analysis.
- Case of double eigenvalues and perturbation by lower order term
- Gevrey functions: definitions and properties
- January 30: Time-dependent coefficients and energy estimates
- Wave equations
- Suitable symmetrizer and energy
- Well-posedness in Gevrey spaces, and the question of optimal Gevrey index
- February 27: Continuing Time-dependent coefficients and energy estimates
- January 23: Constant coefficient systems of PDEs and Gevrey spaces