12/13: Second TA review session is Monday, 12/15, 2-4 pm at B&H 141.
12/13: Final exam information can be found here. Updated!
12/5: Bonus problems for the final listed here.
12/3: Final exam is on Tuesday, 12/16, from 2-5 pm, at Foxboro Auditorium (151 Thayer St.). All bonus problems and assignment are due Friday 12/12 at noon in my box at the math department. Late assignments will not be graded.
12/3: HW 14 is the last homework, and is due Monday 12/8 in class. As mentioned above, some problems will be assigned on Monday 12/8, which will not be graded. You will have a chance to go over them with the TA, or with me in my office hours.
12/3: I will have extended office hours over the weekend of 12/12 - 12/14. Details next week.
These lecture notes will help you with integration methods (among other things).
TA sessions are on Fridays, 3pm at Churchill House 106. I encourage everyone to show up: the TA will solve homework problems, show examples, and give more insight into what we do in class.
Office hours are 4:30-5:30 pm, Thursdays and Fridays. If you want to come but are lost or can't access the building, call me at (401) 863 7956. If these times don't work for you, email me and we can schedule a different time. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the office hours. Don't be embarrassed to ask!
My office is Kassar 012, which is in the basement. Kassar House (the math department) is located at the corner of Thayer and George, across from the Ratty, at 151 Thayer.