Partial Differential Equations (MA3016)

Autumn 2023        Instructor: Dr Jonathan Ben-Artzi

Guidelines & Basic Information

Book Walter A. Strauss, Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction (second edition) eBook
Class Times Thursdays 2:10-3:00 PM      @    Abacws 5.05

Fridays     2:10-3:00 PM (odd weeks)     1:10-3:00 PM (even weeks)       @    Abacws 3.02
Office Hours Wednesdays: 1-2 PM
Thursdays: 11 AM - 12 PM
Fridays: 11 AM - 12 PM

My office is Abacws 5.51 (on the 5th floor).
Grading 30% Homework. There will be a total of 10 homework assignments, of which only the best 8 will count toward the homework grade.

70% Final Exam.
Homework Rules Homework assignments are available in the Timeline page. Assignments of Week n are due on Week n+1.

Written assignments should be submitted in class on Fridays. Don't forget to write your name and student ID. Please write concisely and neatly, and staple all pages together. Late homework will not be accepted!

Reading assignments should be completed before class so that you're well prepared.
 You may work alone or in groups, as long as you make sure you're learning and understanding what you're writing. This is for your own good!