Theory of Partial Differential Equations (MAGIC058)

Autumn 2023        Instructor: Dr Jonathan Ben-Artzi (Cardiff University)

Welcome to MAGIC058 - Theory of Partial Differential Equations

This is the website for the course MAGIC058 (Theory of Partial Differential Equations) Autumn 2023. This is a graduate-level course, and a strong mathematical background is assumed. This is a core course within the MAGIC network. Most materials will appear on the MAGIC website.

Lecture notes.



  1. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): notation, examples
  2. The diffusion equation on the real line
  3. Fourier series
  4. Separation of variables on an interval:
    The wave equation
    The diffusion equation
  5. Laplace's equation in a bounded domain

Time permitting, we will cover additional topics of interest, such as

Contact me by email.